Class 3 NCERT Books | Looking Around

1. Prelims
2. Poonam’s Day out
3. The Plant Fairy
4. Water O’ Water!
5. Our First School
6. Chhotu’s House
7. Foods We Eat
8. Saying without Speaking
9. Flying High
10. It’s Raining
11. What is Cooking
12. From Here to There
13. Work We Do
14. Sharing Our Feelings
15. The Story of Food
16. Making Pots
17. Games We Play
18. Here comes a Letter
19. A House Like This
20. Our Friends — Animals
21. Drop by Drop
22. Families can be Different
23. Left–Right
24. A Beautiful Cloth
25. Web of Life

In this page we have provided chapters listed in Looking Around NCERT Book of class 3. Students can open chapters by clicking on the list given above.